

Genesis 1:27 | Look at the Stars

In the beginning man is made in the image and likeness of God by God. Unique in creation men and women are created a shadow or an outline baring some of God’s characteristics like love, mercy, justice, wisdom, compassion, and free will. […]


Genesis 1:14 | No more Darkness

Light and Darkness are a theme in life and storytelling. Darkness hides and Light reveals. A veil is over our mind that leads to depression. Darkness halts activity. Darkness is where the fears of men hold back progress. The dark ages vs […]


Acts 3:6 | Divine Appointment

Have you ever crossed paths with a person in a random setting or situation and that interaction changed your life forever? An introduction to a future spouse? Introductions to someone that later provided entry to a job opportunity? Introductions to someone that […]


Acts 1:4 | A Heart of Stone No More

Religion is man striving and working to secure the favor of God. Live this kind of life, go to this kind of church, give money to the poor, follow the ten commandments… I could write for days all of the things people […]


Romans 5:10 | Enemies Reconciled

Life creates friends and enemies. Movies are made of the most epic friendships and enemies. Stories are told of war and the bond of brothers who fight enemies both physical and psychological. But even normal people like myself find that some relationships […]

1 Samuel

1 Samuel 8:5 | Not my President

How important is government? How important is God? Which is more important to you? If you picked government then god is government to you. If you are looking for God in government then you are in good company with the people of […]

Easter Matthew -

Matthew 25:32 | The Easter Goat

Easter is upon us and just like clockwork a story to undermine Easter makes the news cycle. Easter is a holiday event marking the weekend of the good news of the gospel that Jesus Christ died, was buried, and then left the […]

1 Thessalonians 4:1 | Self Help

Growth and maturity are aspirations of the self help and be all that you can be motivational speakers. With education and wealth that most in free societies have in abundance, growth and maturity would seem to be a waste if not taken […]