

John 16:13 | The Perfect Helper

Jesus knew exactly what he was doing when he was executing his earthly ministry. He was spending time with his Father and because of that he knew the mission. His disciples seemed clueless and were surprised by every big move Jesus made. […]

Culture and Politics

Focus People… FOCUS!

[Reflection of the 2014 Super Bowl on Culture] This weekend is the Super Bowl between the Broncos and the Seahawks. When I see Payton Manning leading the Broncos I can’t help but think about Elway’s plan to bring Peyton to Denver and […]

1 Peter

1 Peter 1:15 | We are Set Free to be… Holy?

The Bible is referenced sometimes as the Holy Bible. The word itself is odd and does not have many use cases outside of the church. What does holy mean exactly? Simply stated the word means “set apart”. Read more to understand how […]


Hebrews 2:14 | Jesus was Human too

We often talk about Jesus as a great prophet or leader or some master Sherpa that has all the right answers. The famous WWJD, what would Jesus do, question still finds meaning for many people trying to figure out life and how […]

Christmas John

John 19:7 | The Greatest Gift

The weeks leading up to Christmas are busy for many reasons. Basically it can be wrapping up school before the break begins. It can be winding down projects at work, or beginning the always insane shopping season for gifts are just starters. […]

Matthew -

Matthew 9:13 | Avoid the Awkward

Jesus did not act as many people might expect, he certainly did not act as the people of his own time expected. Jesus challenged everyone around him. He challenged the sinner to stop sinning and he challenged the religious to stop being […]


Mark 11:23 | Move those Mountains

At Church the Pastor is encouraging the individuals of the Church to “partake” in the Church (2 Peter 1:3-4 ESV). One of the illustrations of the energy, time, and effort needed to be involved in the Church comes from Mark 11:23. This […]