

Judges 21:25 | Making It Up as We Go

The conclusion of Judges in Chapter 21 is infuriating. The people had returned to God for just long enough to set right the lawless wrongs of the tribe of Benjamin. After a struggle and after repentance for their own sins the justice […]


Judges 13:5 | Samson and the Nazirite Vow

Samson may be the most famous of all the Judges who rules Israel and one of the interesting aspects of Samson is that hair is the source of his strength. No one ever cut Samson’s hair from the day he was born […]


Judges 12:1 | Deadly Participation Trophies

Have you been angry at someone else’s success and thought that could have or should have, been you? Flip side of that question have you ever succeeded and someone close to you was not happy about it and tried to tear you […]