

Genesis 10:1 | Table of Nations

You know those Old Testament chapters of the Bible that just need to be skipped because they are nothing but names that can’t be pronounced and have zero other useful information? Genesis Table of Nations Chapter 10 is that Chapter. I teach […]


Genesis 7:1 | Righteousness is Rare

Noah might be one of the most famous people who has ever lived. Most know the story but why did God save Noah? The short answer is that people are evil and they forced God’s hand. Parents read this story to their […]


Genesis 5:1 | Our Family Tree

Genesis 5 is a chapter that many skip right over maybe even asking themselves “What is this about”. Some people love genealogies and they will tell stories they have found about great great grand relatives that lived in a certain place or […]


Genesis 5:24 | Enoch Abducted by God

Enoch walked with God and then God abducted him. He never returned home. Genesis the first book of the Bible has a long list of the patriarchs of the pre flood world. In this list the author casually passes over the seventh […]


Genesis 6:6 | Godly Sorrow

Does God have regrets? I have regrets but I am not God. Sometimes my regret is over something out of my control. If only I had more information at the time. God is never at a lack of information. I make selfish […]