
1 Samuel 2:12 | Worthless Apart from God

Is there such a thing as a worthless person? I can think of a few professions that are worthless like drug dealer and television pundit. But to call an individual worthless is hard because we are all created in God’s image. We […]

1 Thessalonians

1 Thessalonians 4:1 | Self Help

Growth and maturity are aspirations of the self help and be all that you can be motivational speakers. With education and wealth that most in free societies have in abundance, growth and maturity would seem to be a waste if not taken […]


Isaiah 26:7 | Level Paths

I enjoy hiking on mountain trails in search of new views or waterfalls. Just being out to get exercise with family in tow is part of the most important activities of life. I pray my children will fondly look back on these […]


Philippians 4:6 | Worry vs. Anxiety

Some of the literal translations of the Bible do not do not contain the word “worry” anywhere in the contents. Search a KJV or ESV Bible for the word worry and it will not be found. Many people think that the Bible […]

Culture and Politics

Aliens Prove We are not Alone

There have been a rash of aliens in the news the last few weeks. Not the terrestrial illegal kind Trump rails against but the little green men from another planet type. The mainstream media is growing a narrative that is breathlessly waiting […]


Romans 6:23 | God is not Fair

An objection I hear from time to time is that God is not fair or he is unjust.  A great of example of this objection is when Abraham lies to the Egyptian Pharaoh. Because of the lie Pharaoh takes Sarah, Abraham’s wife […]


Philippians 4:13 | I Can Do All Things

Under Armor has a marketing campaign that caught my eye for one of the superstar athletes. The shirt that caught my attention states “I can do all things”. The athlete associated with that quote is Steph Curry a championship basketball superstar who […]

Culture and Politics

9/11 and the Truth of Lawlessness

Today is the anniversary of 9/11 a terrorist attack, an act of war, on a scale unknown to the modern American society. Looking over the history of America it is not difficult to find murderous tragedies and barbarous acts of war on […]

1 Timothy

1 Timothy 2:5 | Creation, Laws, and Christ

    God, the maker of heaven and earth is present and draws men and women to himself. He is drawing people to himself because in our rebellion we have distanced ourselves from His perfect holiness. But God made a way and […]