Bible Study


Isaiah 11:3 | Justified before the King

How does God judge us? When God judges he looks at more than our actions. God has a record of all our actions. But those actions are not the final determining factor we are judged on. We are judged on our thoughts […]

Matthew -

Matthew 21:12 | Angry Jesus

Jesus overturning the tables of the money changers and the driving out the merchants selling pigeons for sacrifices is a controversial moment in the Bible. Many memes and misunderstandings have come from this part of scripture to justify bad behavior. Others have […]

Matthew -

Matthew 19:6 | Divorce 3 Reasons

Divorce is not a topic that anyone should want to dwell on but it is an unfortunate reality. If people are involved in something then it is going to messy and broken at times. Marriage is no different. This post will focus […]

Matthew -

Matthew 18:7 | Woes to the World

Rarely does the church discuss the woes that Jesus gave out. The church only wants to focus on the love of Christ but it was not always that way. Leading up to the revolutionary period in American history Johnathan Edwards preached a […]

Matthew -

Matthew 17:2 | Transfiguration

One of the more miraculous events recorded in the gospels is that if the transfiguration of Jesus on a mountain top. The event is described as Jesus, Moses, and Elijah hanging out and having a discussion. What they talked about is not […]

Matthew -

Matthew 16:4 | Sign of Jonah

Jonah is one of the most interesting Old Testament prophecy books. What makes Jonah so interesting is the depths of effort God goes to move Jonah to a non-Jewish nation. Jonah does not want to preach repentance to his enemies. Everyone knows […]

Matthew -

Matthew 15:18 | Clean Hearts

Cleanliness is next to Godliness is an old church saying. Is it actually in the Bible? No, but in Matthew Chapter 15 we find the Pharisees challenging Jesus and the disciples on why they break the Jewish traditions by not washing their […]

Matthew -

Matthew 14:28 | Out of the Boat

One of the most famous, and joked about, events in the ministry of Jesus is when he walked on water. Less memerable is when Peter walked on water. The walking on water part is not that amazing compared to his raising people […]

Matthew -

Matthew 13:24 | Seeds of Satan

We live in a humanist with schools that teach that there is nothing more than this physical reality. They insist that you dear reader are just chemical reactions and when you die those chemical reactions stop and therefore you are no more. […]

Matthew -

Matthew 12:8 | Sabbath or Sunday

There are moral laws that are true for all people in all places at all times. To give an example of these moral laws I like bring up the Ten Commandments. They provide a framework on how we interact with God and […]