

Isaiah 11:3 | Justified before the King

How does God judge us? When God judges he looks at more than our actions. God has a record of all our actions. But those actions are not the final determining factor we are judged on. We are judged on our thoughts […]


Judges 20:18 | Asking the Wrong Questions

Judges Chapter 20 is a perplexing and dark event in the history of Israel. There is no judge with flaws and strengths to lead the people. In fact, there is not one single man or woman named in the entire chapter. Even […]


Judges 1:7 | Biblical Karma

Is Karma a real thing and what should we as Christians think about it? Is there any truth in Karma or is there a Biblical Karma? Karma is an idea from Indian pantheist religion where the full measure of someone’s life influences […]


Genesis 24:6 | Faith to Move Forward

In a previous study about what life, we choose for ourselves I wrote “Christ calls and ask that we lay our lives, our dreams, our passions at his feet. In return he will give us lives, dreams, and passions that will glorify […]


Genesis 6:3 | Can Satan Thwart God’s Plans?

God knows everything. There is nothing new for Him to learn. That idea is not really comprehensible for me because I spend every day learning something new and the more I learn the more I realize how little I actually know. As […]


James 4:2 | You do not have because…

The book of James and specifically chapter 4 has some harsh words about who we really are and how it impacts our relationship with God. The wonderful part with his harsh plain-spokenness is that it is clear to the one who wants […]


Luke 2:22 | Family Life of Jesus

Jesus was once a child and he lived life in a family with its own ways. Mary and Joseph raised Jesus in a family life that Honored God. Jesus even as a child perfectly honored God and parents. The Bible communicates two […]


Hebrews 12:11 | Discipline is Peaceful

Obeying the rules and submitting to the authority of others is very difficult. But discipline in your life leads to peace. Many times we do not like the people who have authority. Even worse we may not respect them as individuals. For […]


Genesis 3:24 | Expatriates No More

How did we get here? People hate each other. The political is so emotional that people can’t stand to be around each other. Wars between neighboring countries are ongoing. Citizens in cities are not safe to be out on the town without […]


Genesis 2:1 | God is Done, but not Finished

We have all made something for a purpose. Even if it was something in art at school for your parents. Most people are creative in some way. That creativity comes from God. While God may be done with Creation he is not […]