covid at home

My family has spent a week at home to worry about Covid limited to only required trips to the store. Society canceled most activities like children’s activities, sports programs, dining restaurant services, and many church services. I worry the lock down will become even more strenuous.

For me this first week was not difficult as my job being in technology allows me the ability to work remote from home. I like to be at home and I like to be around my family. While the first week was enjoyable working from home it is clear that the longer, we as a society are forced to restrain our relational nature the more difficult isolation will make our lives.

My wife worries about the covid sickness infecting our home. I worry about the financial ramification to the economy and the ability to pay bills.

With that in mind here are some Biblical thoughts on concerns, worry, and anxiety. Where do you place your trust?

Update: 2022 – Thanks for reading and listening. I posted these words 7 days into the first lockdown. We were in the middle of 14 days to flatten the curve and it captured my mindset at that moment. Please post your own thoughts I would like to hear them.

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