

Judges 14:5 | Marriage Woes

Marriage is a covenant that God has given and how he wants life to be ordered. Bible verses for singles who want to get married are easy to find but what we really need are the what no to do verses. Marriage […]


Judges 13:5 | Samson and the Nazirite Vow

Samson may be the most famous of all the Judges who rules Israel and one of the interesting aspects of Samson is that hair is the source of his strength. No one ever cut Samson’s hair from the day he was born […]


Judges 12:1 | Deadly Participation Trophies

Have you been angry at someone else’s success and thought that could have or should have, been you? Flip side of that question have you ever succeeded and someone close to you was not happy about it and tried to tear you […]


Judges 11:31 | Burnt Promises

Have you made promises to God? If I win this lottery I promise to serve you all the days of my life. What about the foxhole prayer? Lord get me out of this situation and I will make it right. Be careful […]


Judges 7:2 | God’s Glorious Way

Being a Christian sometimes puts me into a precarious situation where I must live life in a way that is contrary to the expected norms of society. I describe this situation as walking upstream against the current. I recognized quickly living like […]


Judges 6:36 | Fleece Moment

Have you ever tested God and inquired of Him to determine what direction He would have you go in life? Gideon a Judge and ruler of Israel did just that. Gideon took a moment to confirm that God would be with him […]


Judges 6:12 | What name has God given you?

Gideon in the Bible is the mighty warrior that God called up to save Israel… Wait that is actually not right. Gideon is young, untested, and needy. In fact the world would say that Gideon is not leadership ready let alone capable […]


Judges 4:4 | Gender Roles

Everyone is confused about gender roles in society today. The mantra that women can do anything a man can do has in reality become men want to do everything that only a woman can do. Gender and sex become confused in society […]


Judges 3:4 | Test or Temptation

The trials and tribulations of life are hard. Bad people, bad luck, and bad economy are always pushing us down. Some people make mistakes that cost them dearly. What if God placed all the bad things directly himself? Is it possible that […]


Judges 1:7 | Biblical Karma

Is Karma a real thing and what should we as Christians think about it? Is there any truth in Karma or is there a Biblical Karma? Karma is an idea from Indian pantheist religion where the full measure of someone’s life influences […]